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Jonathan Gills
2013-10-03 21:00:50

A State Made for the Sport

KayaK Fishing in West Virginia A Sport made for the State. By John Gills MSKA One of the Mountain States biggest claims to fame is its awesome white water, and one of the most popular ways to take on that water is with a kayak, so what state offers a better platform to move the sport of Kayak Fishing forward and into the spot light. Now this state is not known outside its own borders as a fishing capital, but to those inside, and nearby this state has some great fishers to offer up to those who are willing to look for them. And one of the best ways to discover these great fishers is to combine the two and hit the water with a kayak and a rod. From the New River in the south to the Hughes River in the north to big lakes and small reservoirs across the state an angler can find just about every type of freshwater species. What makes fishing from a kayak so appealing to most people including myself, is that you can load up and hit a small river system in only a foot of water (Skinny Water) were even john boats cannot get to, and the next day you can load up and hit a large lake and fish the same water as the big boats, but there are other reasons why so many people chose this form of fishing. One; the cost of a kayak and the cost to fully rig one is about 1/8th the coast of a new bass boat. Two it's a lot easier to transport and store, through it in the back of your truck, on top of your four door sedan, or on a trailer behind your SUV. Not to mention not having to worry about fuel cost, or engine maintenance. Three; it is a great form of exercise for your upper body and cardio, and it is a more traditional way of fishing from a boat. Now don't get me wrong I know the American Indians did not have plastic canoes but I'm referring to the type of craft not what it's made of. Four; it is a more "Green way of getting out on the water, and with all kayak tournaments and club outings revolving around catch and release it insures that future generations can enjoy the resources this state has to offer for years to come. Tournament fishing from a kayak has been around for some time in the salt water arena, but it is just starting to surface in freshwater, but more kayak bass fishing clubs and tournaments are popping up around the country. There is also a rise in Kayak bass fishing through the internet ref. www.mountainstateanglers.com, which is maintained by the Mountain State Kayak Anglers a kayak fishing club that hold tournaments all across the state. One of the best promotions for Kayak fishing is word of mouth, and getting someone out on a kayak for the first time and they will be hooked. Anyone who has been in this sport for a while has a story about being a at launch or boat dock getting ready to go out and at least one person coming up and asking questions about your yak. The point here is this get out every chance you have and introduce someone to the sport ether by taking them out and letting them paddle you yak around for a couple minutes or just talking to them about the sport. If you have never been fishing from a kayak then start asking your friends and coworkers. Get on line and do some research check out local clubs and online forums. Just remember to get out on the water and have fun.
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